Sunday, August 13, 2006

UGMO Prince of Fred'city

Im the self proclaimed ugmo prince of fredericksburg, virginia.
bow down.

(broke in some new brushes and ink on an old sketch i forgot i did)
I ♥ inking. someone gimme lotsa work so I can support myself doing just that. I'll be your BFF. Promise.

ps: just to warn you, the full size of this image is massive.
someone should color it... that'd be awesome.


derick brooks said...

them nostrils bwoiiiiiii ahahah, dopness. I still gotta break out that rice paper.

E said...

bet, ill do some as a warm up tonight.
thanks fallahs.

RÃ¥nny said...

Very nice drawings! I'll try to post my demo reel once I finish it and figure out how to do so! lol. Keep up the ace work and thanks for your comment :^)

Q45 said...

nice portait ed

Unknown said...

Cool character! love the style!


heh i kinda figuresd you posted it all mongaloid for some


special reason. fuckin blogger.

Serious Black said...

Your work looks really good. It's alot different from the stuff you use to do on Rey's board back in the day.

LafeSpace said...

Nice line weght on this one..nice pic also.